The upcoming BC Wine & Liquor Law Conference will provide a comprehensive regulatory update on many issues facing the wine and liquor industries in British Columbia. The conference will take place on Monday, February 22, 2016 at the Metropolitan Hotel in downtown Vancouver (this is the beginning of the \”Vancouver International Wine Festival\” week). The agenda includes coverage of: the ongoing changes to BC\’s liquor laws (including those focused on BC\’s retail environment, wholesale pricing structure and distribution system), as well as interprovincial shipping, developments in the discussions around new British Columbia appellations, new water management laws, liquor host liability for wineries, and some views from south of the border on distribution in the U.S. and the use of social media for direct sales. There is a discounted tuition fee of $300 USD for those working in the wine or liquor industries. Full information and registration is here: Law Seminars BC Wine & Liquor Law Conference.