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Media Reports on Ontario Supermarket Wine Plan

The Toronto Star is reporting the details this morning of the Ontario government\’s plan to roll out wine sales in supermarkets: Ontario Uncorks Plan for Supermarkets. The plan calls for a phased roll-out of wine sales in supermarkets with an equal number of licenses to be issued at each stage for: a) \”Ontario-only\” wine, and for b) the sale of all international wines. In the first year, 35 licenses of each type would be issued (70 total). In 2019, 40 more licenses of each type would be issued (80 more for a cumulative total of 150). At the end of the phase-in period, all licenses would permit the sale of all types of wine. There is no limit to the number of licenses eventually issued. The licenses would permit the sale of wine on regular supermarket shelves (does not require segregated store within a store). The issues surrounding this plan and BC\’s supermarket plan will be discussed at the upcoming Wine Law Conference in Vancouver, to be held on February 20th. Please attend the conference for a full analysis of the issues.

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