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Welcome to! This site is dedicated to providing information on legal issues related to the wine industry in Canada. We will cover such topics as shipping laws, marketing laws, labelling laws, environmental laws and trademarks. All of the information presented here will be specifically designed for the wine industry. 

Please note that this site is intended to provide information only. If you require specific or personal legal advice, please contact either us or your own lawyer.

In addition, we have related sites which may be of interest: our blog ( provides commentary and opinion on marketing and legal issues for the wine industry and our related site ( provides a full range of marketing services

Retail and Distribution Laws

Brief History of BC Wine & Liquor Laws

Current B.C. liquor laws do not make sense at all unless you have some sense of their history and development from the time of prohibition (which is now approaching a century ago!).

Pre-Prohibition Era

In BC\’s earliest \”wild west\” days,
there was no regulation over the liquor business at all. Bars and
saloons were major features of the larger cities such as Vancouver and
Victoria. Many were open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. During this
era, it was perceived that there was a substantial problem of
maintaining public order as a result of unregulated drinking and
drunkenness. …


Shipping, Border, Import Laws

Moving to Canada with your Wine Cellar

This article describes the process for moving to Canada and importing your wine collection. It focuses on British Columbia but the general procedure should be applicable in other provinces (although you will need to check).

If you are moving to BC from another country, you can import your wine collection into BC as part of your household goods so long as you have owned the wine for at least 6 months prior to your move. However, you must follow the proper procedure involving the BC Liquor Distribution Branch and Canada Customs.

Shipping, Border, Import Laws

Shipping Laws on Wine within/into Canada

Due to frequent updating, this article has moved … please see here: Shipping Laws on Wine within Canada.




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