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BC Wine & Liquor Law Conference Feb 25th

The annual BC Wine & Liquor law conference will be held on Monday February 25th in Vancouver, which is the beginning of the week of the Vancouver International Wine Festival. Great line-up of topics and speakers this year including analysis of this year\’s liquor policy priorities from government, a report on the work of the Business Technical Advisory Panel, an update on interprovincial shipping, international trade developments, and a summary of the progress being made on geographical indicators in BC. As this will be the 10th anniversary of the conference, there will also be a special closing address from industry pioneer, Harry McWatters. Full details of the conference including registration links are here: BC Wine & Liquor Law Conference. Chris Wilson and myself will be chairing this year\’s conference.

There is a \”50% off\” discount for wine industry members: if you use the online registration form, change the Rate on the form (dropdown box) from \”regular\” to \”industry member\” and the reduced conference fee will apply.

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